Monday, May 7, 2012

Dying For Attention.

No one pays any attention leaving her to feel lonely as ever,
her parents brush her off forcing an idea she believed was clever.
A young man, having a rough day drove his way home,
he couldn't wait to lock himself in his room to be alone.
The girl walked to the bus stop and sat on the bench,
the idea gripping around her mind until her brain clenched.
Staring off at the street with passing cars that drive fast,
thinking, "If I got hit, how long would I last?"
The boy, passing street lights beginning to speed,
loneliness has now become more than a want but a need.
His father neglects him so he looks upon his mother,
living under a broken house taking care of his little brother.
The girl stood up and walked straight,
toward the lanes of a street that will soon decide her fate.
The boy instantly comes forth reality not realizing what went wrong,
she's now bleeding, heavily breathing and won't live much long.
Ambulances and police surround the area as her parents try to keep her alive,
The boy feels horrible doubting she was able to survive.
Her father and mother both shed tears,
releasing emotions that haven't been shown for years.
The girl listens until she dies, her soul then stands on her feet,
looking down at her parents exposing their defeat.
Walking away knowing that they still love,
both hands cover the boys face as he looks at the heavens above.
I was there watching life happen right before my face,
I sat with that girl on the bench and was a witness to the case.
All she wanted was attention so she died gaining it most,
that boy looked at me with cold eyes as if he'd just seen her ghost.


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